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Contraception Specialist

Capital Women's Care Division 67

OBGYNs located in Ballston, Arlington, VA

If you’re sexually active and don’t want to get pregnant, it’s crucial to find a birth control method that works for you. That’s why OB/GYN Reepa Shah, MD, at Capital Women’s Care in the Ballston area of Arlington, Virginia, offers a variety of birth control options from which to choose. To learn more about contraception and how to prevent pregnancy, call or click online to book an appointment at Capital Women’s Care today.

Contraception Q & A

What are temporary options for birth control?

The team at Capital Women’s Care offers a variety of different methods of temporary birth control, including:

  • Pills
  • Patches
  • Vaginal rings
  • Implants, such as Nexplanon®
  • IUDs

All these options are reversible, so if you decide at a later time that you want to get pregnant, you can do so. IUDs and Nexplanon both offer the convenience of long-acting contraception without having to worry about it after initial insertion.

What is an IUD?

An IUD, or intrauterine device, is a small, T-shaped device that your doctor at Capital Women’s Center places inside your uterus. When you no longer need it, your doctor must also remove your IUD.

There are four different types of IUDs available in the U.S. Three types of these are plastic and work by releasing hormones. The fourth is copper and doesn’t release hormones because the copper itself prevents pregnancy.

What is Nexplanon®?

Nexplanon is a temporary, but long-acting birth control implant that lasts up to three years. Your doctor inserts the small, thin implant discreetly beneath the skin of your upper arm.

If you decide you want to get pregnant, your doctor must also remove the implant. You can get pregnant as soon as one week after removal.

What are permanent options for birth control?

Capital Women’s Care also performs female sterilization procedures that permanently end your ability to get pregnant. These procedures can’t be reversed. Some options for permanent birth control include:

Tubal ligation

Otherwise known as, “getting your tubes tied,” tubal ligation is a surgical procedure that seals off both your Fallopian tubes so sperm can’t reach your eggs. This procedure can be done anytime but is popular when you’re already in the hospital right after having a baby.


The Essure® system for permanent birth control involves your doctor inserting a tiny metal coil inside your Fallopian tubes. She places the tubes using hysteroscopy, which involves a special instrument that your doctor inserts into your cervix. With Essure, you aren’t left with any scars.

To learn more about the best birth control option for you, call Capital Women’s Care or book an appointment online today.